If you want a competitive edge, choose custom software over an out-of-the-box solution. Your customers (and bottom line) will thank you. In this article we explore 7 custom software benefits that can take your online business performance to the next level. User experience determines the success of every website and app. Design plays a role, but what really drives great UX is the software behind it. While most users are turned off by cookie-cutter functionality, they respond well to features tailored to their needs. The best way to give your users what they want? With custom software.

One problem we see all the time is businesses trying to make do with multiple, out-of-the-box programs and failing to meet customer expectations. These systems weren’t designed to work together, and the headaches from errors and dissatisfied customers can be costly.

The solution is a custom software system that automates, streamlines and optimizes your complex processes in one place. This is what the most successful companies in the world do, and it works.

Who uses Custom Software?

  • Amazon: Perhaps you’ve shopped there? There’s no mistaking why Amazon is the world’s most popular online marketplace: its custom software makes shopping fast, fun and easy. Other online retailers are scrambling to keep up by emulating Amazon’s custom software.
  • Google: Google is built on unique software and they’re always working on more. Come to think of it, when isn’t Google coming out with something new? Think Drive. Think Gmail. They understood the value of custom software early on and leverage its power every day. Take a cue from them and leverage custom software benefits for your business.
  • Instagram: We love this example. Instagram took a simple concept and turned it into one of the world’s largest social media platforms. How? By making this basic idea of sharing photos a little (ok, a lot) better across every part of the experience with their own custom software. Smart.

Whether you’re a behemoth like Amazon, Google or Instagram, or operate on a slightly smaller scale, custom software can make your business more efficient and profitable.

7 Custom software benefits for businesses

  1. Automation: Efficiency is the name of the game. From saving time on tedious HR tasks to streamlining your whole order fulfillment process, custom software automation helps businesses do more with less.
  2. Stand out: Remember what we said about user experience? If yours is better than your competition, customers will follow. Whether you offer expanded shopping cart features (quick order pads, repeat orders, etc.) or a unique feature in your industry (think interactive floorplans for a real estate company) custom software sets you apart, and above.
  3. Specific: Unlike out-of-the-box software, custom software is made for (and can adapt to) your business. You’ll get the tools you need, and nothing superfluous. Plus, your vendors may use a system that isn’t compatible with an off-the-shelf solution, which can cause problems with workflow. When you hire a custom software developer, you’ll get a solution that fits your business.
  4. Cost-effective: Off-the-shelf software (usually) costs less initially. But any up-front savings will disappear when your needs change and the software can’t adapt. You either need to invest in new software or pay for a custom workaround-that only works until the next time your business needs change. Custom software is adaptable and sustainable, which means your initial investment is one that will work for the long term.
  5. Scalable: This ties in with our previous point. As your business grows, your software must grow with it. A custom software solution is designed with your growth model in mind, which means it can change as you do. Whether you bring on more employees, new vendors, or different 3rd-party partnerships, custom software will support your growth, not limit it.
  6. Secure and Stable: Because of its unique framework, custom software is less vulnerable to hacking and disruption. At the same time, custom software is often more stable than out-of-the-box alternatives because it was designed to work within a system, yours.
  7. Integrations: Businesses that use several software programs/processes can enjoy the benefits of connecting them via a single custom software solution. Custom software integrations require a discussion of their own, so check out our integrations page for more information.

Custom Software Benefits for Your Business

Are you ready to take your business performance to the next level? Do you want to free up valuable human resources with automated digital processes? If so, then custom software could be the right choice.

If you’re wondering if a custom software solution is right for your business, we’d be happy to give you a FREE CONSULTATION.